Projectsproject imahe

I ' ve built cool platfroms using Python, Java (Spring Boot), Node.js (Express.js), and React.js/Next.js. I utilize MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL, and Redis in my projects. Here are some of my favorite projects over the course of my journey.

Walia Market

Walia Market: E-commerce platform for admins, sellers, and buyers. Admins manage products, orders, reviews, and users. Sellers handle product, order, and payment management with inventory tracking and sales analytics. Buyers browse, add to carts, checkout, and securely pay via Chapa, PayPal, or Cash on Delivery.

  • The system uses token-based authentications
  • The System has features for sellers
  • The system has seatures for buyers.
  • Manage product images
  • Admin dashboard, products, orders, reviews and user listing
  • Admin create new item
  • Upload product image to Cloudinary
  • Payment management
  • Shipping information mangement
  • Cultural Cloth Ordering.
CS Calculator

This allowance calculator helps customers with easy allowance calculations, and terms of reference (tor) management.

  • Allowance requesting.
  • Allowance deduction.
  • Allowance calculation.
  • Letter management.

With EasyFly app you can reserve a jet in a specific range of date, see the details from a jet model, see or cancel your reservations, and add or delete a new jet to be available for reservation:.

  • The system uses token-based authentications
  • Add a new jet feature.
  • Reserve jet feature.
  • Cancel reservation feature.
  • Login and signup features
  • Upload jet images to Cloudinary
Game dealer

A website that allows users to check the available deals of computer games with data being collected directly from the cheapshark API.

  • Display games on the home page.
  • Dispaly the game details on the details page.
Personal portfolio

Personal portfolio website built with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

  • Headline section.
  • About section
  • Portfolio section.
  • Contact section.
  • Responsive layout

ShiCommerce is an e-commerce website that has features for admins and users(buyers). Admin can manage products, manage orders, manage product reviews, and users. The user (buyer) can check product details, add a product to the cart, checkout the cart, fill shipping address, and pay payment using Stripe. and also user can check order status(processing, shipping, and delivered).

  • The system uses token-based authentications
  • Product listing, filter and search, cart
  • Checkout order and payment
  • Manage profile
  • Admin dashboard, products, orders, reviews and user listing
  • Admin create new item
  • Upload product image to Cloudinary
Research Center Website

HTML5/CSS3 and JavaScript basics capstone project, building research center website

  • Responsive layout.
  • Headline section.
  • Team section.
  • Our team section.
  • Our services section.
Awesome Tv

Consume the movie API and render a list of movies on the page, the users can like and comments on the movie.

  • Consume API.
  • Render movies on the page.
  • Add likes features.
  • Add comment section.
Online CourseWare

Online course ware system is designed for teachers and authors to create course content online and for student to access the contents.

  • The project adopts REST API design in the back-end and the single page React web application user interface consumes the endpoint by sending requests.
  • The project has features likes, managing users, Create course materials, present course materials, presenting course catalogs, and more.

OneInventory is an online inventory management system that enables the user can manage inventory management tasks easily.

  • Admin can manage users of the system
  • Admin can manage suppliers.
  • Admin can manage customers.
  • Manage reports
  • Track overall inventory
  • Manage inventory
  • Track inverntory
  • Transfer inventory
I ' ve got even more on my GitHub!